Jacinta Sarivougioukis


About Jacinta Sarivougioukis

In 3 words Jacinta is described as hard working, positive and friendly.

Jacinta has a strong administration background and has always set her sights on real estate being the dream career.

Jacinta thoroughly enjoys every day whether it is assisting renter's, owner’s, or a simple real estate enquiry. Jacinta is always happy to help everyone.

Jacinta has lived in Pakenham for close to 15 years and have experienced the growth in the market and community.

Now living in Warragul and enjoying the rural community aspect and all it has to offer .

Jacinta believes the best approach to every day is a smile and a strong latte (maybe 2)

When Jacinta isn’t at work, she is with family finding new experiences and creating adventures. Also enjoys watching reruns of Friends.

Contact Jacinta Sarivougioukis at Barry Plant - Pakenham

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