Oscar Montes de Oca


About Oscar Montes de Oca

Born in Uruguay, Oscar came to Australia in 1977 and started working in the real estate industry in 1978. Oscar has won numerous awards in the 80’s while working for large real estate agencies. By 1994 Oscar started his own real estate business and with lots of knowledge in the industry has mentored many sale agents when they were first starting out in real estate.

Now Founder and Principle of Wiseberry Prestons Real Estate Oscar has over 40 years experience, going through all the market trends in real estate, this has allowed Him to build a thriving family run Real Estate agency.

Today Wiseberry Prestons has a team of highly trained professional sales people who are achieving great results and higher prices for their clients.

Agent’s expertise: Dealing with people, market and finance knowledge.

Contact Oscar Montes de Oca at Wiseberry Picton

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