Sherryl Robinson
About Sherryl Robinson
Accredited as a licensed Real Estate Agent and working in the Port Macquarie and Hastings Precinct, I have had over 27 years of experience listing and selling property. Specialising in a wealth of property transactions I go above and beyond to accomplish successful outcomes for my clients. Dedicated and demonstrating integrity I also bring to the table a high level of professionalism, strong work ethic, and a “down to earth” honest approach.
Consistently achieving outstanding results, my ability to build rapport with sellers and buyers has rewarded me with an extensive database of clients. Throughout my Real Estate career I have been awarded Major Franchise Awards including Salesperson Of The Year - Mid North Coast Region, Highest Number Of Properties Sold, Excellence In Sales, Highest Number Of Listings and Top Regional Salesperson for NSW/ACT.
A well known and respected local resident for over 40 years, I have contributed to many fundraising initiatives, networking programmes and continue to be an active member of Port Macquarie Rotary. Trust, communication and a genuine passion for helping people have attributed to my long track record of success.