List, Post and Boost in one click

Realty Ads is the only social marketing tool that has fully automated the list to boost process and is able to MAXI BOOST your branded post to multiple platforms including Realty’s own national network of followers

Boost your listing
Person Boosting

Put Realty's Reach Maximiser to work for you

Your 12-day campaign will be broken into 2 components. The budget is loaded towards the front - first 4 days of Ignite - to make sure you get the greatest exposure when your property is launched.

The following 8 days will energize your exposure.

Campaign Chart
Automate marketing

Automate your marketing

Automate and optimise your social media campaigns with our social advertising platform. Our technology is built to go where the audience is - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter, and Tik-Tok.

Our content delivery and live streaming capabilities allow us to broadcast live to, several Facebook pages (including yours), your website as well as the Realty mobile app - all at the same time.

You list it - we distribute and promote it!

Boost your listing NOW

Realty's Technology is built for listing distribution - we're not creating the audience...

We're connecting you to it!

Listing Reach Maximiser

Your Vendor / Landlord Solutions

Facebook Ads
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Stories
Google Ads
Instagram Ads
Pinterest Push
Double Shot (promotion of first open)

Listing Reach Maximiser

Your Vendor / Landlord Solutions

Facebook Ads
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Stories
Google Ads
Instagram Ads
Pinterest Push
Double Shot (promotion of first open)
Facebook Ads
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Stories
Google Ads
Instagram Ads
Pinterest Push
Double Shot (promotion of first open)
Facebook Ads
Facebook Messenger
Facebook Stories
Google Ads
Instagram Ads
Pinterest Push
Double Shot (promotion of first open)
Person Geo Mapping

Realty is taking a totally different approach to how consumers interact with property marketing.

Traditionally, it’s been listing on a real estate portal in the hopes that the buyer will see your property when they search.

Realty has created over 960 national geo-mapped Facebook pages so your buyers will see your property first on social. It’s a totally different and more effective way of connecting your property with buyers.

Person Booking
See how your team can now reach more buyers and sellers