Land Surplus to Needs
LJ Hooker Queanbeyan - Jerrabomberra - Googong is delighted to present for sale 289 Badgery Road, Burra. A parcel of land currently surplus to vendors requirements offered for sale. Features - Approximately 5.19 acres - Sealed road frontage Does not include any building entitlement. Offered for sale by public auction on the 17th December 2021 at 4pm and to be held on site. To enquire about this property contact Jon Stumbles on 0418 162 701.
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289 Badgery Road, Burra, NSW 2620
Land Surplus to Needs
LJ Hooker Queanbeyan - Jerrabomberra - Googong is delighted to present for sale 289 Badgery Road, Burra. A parcel of land currently surplus to vendors requirements offered for sale. Features - Approximately 5.19 acres - Sealed road frontage Does not include any building entitlement. Offered for sale by public auction on the 17th December 2021 at 4pm and to be held on site. To enquire about this property contact Jon Stumbles on 0418 162 701.
Floorplans & Interactive Tours
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